Saturday, August 25, 2007

T Minus Two Days!

I worked in the classroom today trying to get it ready. I wish I had more time to be ready for Monday. The room looks so bare and sterile. The Mindstorm kits are still in the boxes but that is by design. When it comes time to open them up, I want the students to have some of the fun in that part. I got stools delivered on Friday afternoon. We now have a place to sit while we work on the labtops. The gas jets have been removed from the desktops. Twenty students will be tight in the room but we will make it work.

Jeff Steimle sent me two emails today. He sent a link for a Youtube video on a Mindstorms in Action that makes small Lego cars.

I am glad to see Jeff excited about the Robotics. I invited him to participate in our program. I know he has some expertise we could tap into. In addition to the link he sent above, he also said he was installing the Mindstorm software on the laptops on Sunday. He plans on delivering the computers on Monday morning.

I called John Sperry, adviser from Anderson High School. Check out their Robot on youtube; Austin TinCans. He and I had a good conversation. I appreciate his willingness to help and provide feedback and support. John suggested we participate in the Best Robotics, Inc competitions this fall to get the students excited about competition and motivated. I will have to do some research into this competition. His idea was to have the students compete in teams in my classes. Project management was a key factor to their success this past year. By the way, Austin TinCans were the Rookie of the Year in the First Robotics Contest. I look forward to our continued relationship.

Tonight, I looked at the Lego Mindstorms book, BoeBot Book and Mobile Robots Book.

More work to do tomorrow at school to be ready for Monday.

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