Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Day 3, August 29 - Beginning Brainstorming

We finished watching the Discovery Video First Robotics 2005 Championship in Houston. After the video was over we discussed themes, robot names, colors and uniforms. This was a basic exercise in brainstorming.

I received several emails today concerning the class and the competition. Kevin Sevcik from Houston sent me a list of robotics materials to start with along with a competition for us to have.

One of my students had a contact with ARM here in Austin. Mr. Morris emailed me wanting to visit more with me about the program. I also called Solidworks about the reveal/celebration of their new release next Wednesday. Tim and I will be going to the event. I visited with Brad Crabtree from Solidworks about our program and the possibility of sponsorship and/mentors.

I also received an email from Cheryl Miller, a contact of Ray Almgren's. She forwarded my contact information to the Robotics and Automation Society. They helped Anderson last year in their first year of operation.

All in all, a very productive day for the Robotics program.

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