Thursday, August 28, 2008

First week almost done

The Robotics I students almost have the NXT kits ready to go. The Robotics II students are turning in their checks for the CareerSafe training. The Career Safe training will be the bases for our safety training for all Robotics Team members. We still have no shop furniture and do not know when we will get it.

The safety officer for the district came by today but had nothing to inspect since we do not have furniture, no eyewash, no fire extinguisher as well as lots of materials in boxes still.

All in all though, it has been very exciting to see: 1. the class almost triple in size from last year, 2. the new classroom/shop area and 3. our new budget (to be known next week).

Monday, August 25, 2008

Take Two

Today began the second year of robotics for me as a teacher. I feel better about this year but still very challenged with the assignment. So much to learn, how do I teach it? It is so exciting to be in a place knowing that I will challenged all the time.

36 students last year in two classes, 86 students in five classes this year. It was so much fun seeing the excitement in the students faces today as we went over the syllabus. I feel most students would rather do anything as go over a class syllabus. As we discussed the class, questions came up but they were questions of wanting to know more. What a novel idea "Students asking clarifying questions and wanting to know more."

I look forward to the year although I will face struggles, not the same struggles as last year but struggles none the less. Each day will present new opportunities for my students and I to grow stronger.