Monday, September 15, 2008

Wheels and Distance, Habits Evaluations

We have now successfully all completed one unit. Each unit will consist of:
  • Introduction
  • Student Worksheet in the NXT Robotics Engineering Software
  • Extension activities to be successfully performed for evaluation
  • Quiz
Once you complete a unit, you will need to move on to the next unit.

Each Monday, each student will fill out the Work Habit and Workplace Competencies Evaluations.

This week we will begin on Wheels and Distance.

  • Investigate the mathematical relationship between wheel size and distance traveled with a set number of motor rotations.
  • Describe the mathematical relationship between distance traveled in cm to motor rotations in degrees.
Students will be able to:
  1. Follow directions to conduct a guided partial inquiry
  2. Calculate averages and circumferences
  3. Describe the relationship between diameter and circumference
  4. Describe the relationship between wheel size and distance traveled in a constant number of rotations
  5. Apply and describe the various points of experimental procedure:
    1. Experimental hypothesis
    2. Measurement technique
    3. Multiple trials
  6. Describe and apply a self-formulated procedure for converting centimeters into wheel rotations
  7. Write a conclusion that summarizes the lessons learned in the investigation

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