Monday, September 8, 2008

Introduction to Mobile Robotics

Today, we will complete our robots and learn the basics of out robot, programming and the software.

BAT: Students need to be able to navigate the software for the Robotics Engineering and Lego Mindstorms NXT.

1. Get your materials out and complete Taskbot.

2. Once your robot is complete, Click on the Introduction button in Robotics Engineering.

3. Click on Quickstart link

4. Click on the Recommended button on the right hand side of the screen.

5. Quickstart Sequence - follow the directions for the quickstart.

Testbed - get a NXT brick from the extras table at the front of the room. Use your kit to complete the testbed.

Give it a test run.

6. Click the Lessons link

7. Click the Programming Software link

8. Take your Testbed apart and return your parts to your kit. Take the battery off the NXT brick and place it in your Taskbot. Return the NXT brick to the extras table.

9. Return your kit, computer and Taskbot to their storage areas.

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