Monday, September 24, 2007

Day 9 and 10 Brainstorming in small Groups

Today, the classes broke up into smaller groups to begin to brainstorm about the structure of Westlake High School's Robotics team. Each group began, OOPs change that.

We did a big groug brainstorm today. It was our first foray in to brainstorming. This will be an important step in our problem designing process.

We look at team themes, names, colors, mascots and just anything in general the students wanted to comment on.

Open House for the parents was on Monday night as well. We had 26 students parents represented out of the 35 students involved. Wow! That is so impressive.


Jakob said...


Norman Morgan aka Coachnorm said...

Hey Jakob.

Glad you found the blog. It is my way of reflecting on the class.