Monday, September 22, 2008

Right Face

We have learned to program our Taskbot to drive forward as well as some basic calculations using circumference of wheels and rotations to calculate and predict distance traveled by our robot.

Right Face

We will learn how to make our robot turn in two different methods. Each type of turn has specific uses. The two types of turns are Point Turn and Swing Turn.

  • Model the robot’s behavior using human actions (turning and going forward)
  • Program the Personal Assistant robot to make two types of turns
  • Investigate the relationship between programmatic motor settings and overall robot behavior
Students will be able to:
  1. Program a robot to turn using the LEGO MINDSTORMS programming environment
  2. Connect the robot to the computer and download programs to it
  3. Navigate to and run programs on the NXT
  4. Make the robot do both left and right turns, as well as one wheel (“swing”) and in-place (“point”)turns

Last two weeks of 1st Six Weeks

Two weeks left in the 1st six weeks

Schedule for the next two weeks
  • Complete the following units:
    • Full Speed Ahead
    • Wheels and Distance
    • Right Face
    • Measured Turns
  • Complete one Anytime activity
  • Test Wednesday, September 24, 2008 over Full Speed Ahead and Wheels & Distance
  • Test next Thursday, October 2, 2008 over Right Face and Measured Turns

Monday, September 15, 2008

Wheels and Distance, Habits Evaluations

We have now successfully all completed one unit. Each unit will consist of:
  • Introduction
  • Student Worksheet in the NXT Robotics Engineering Software
  • Extension activities to be successfully performed for evaluation
  • Quiz
Once you complete a unit, you will need to move on to the next unit.

Each Monday, each student will fill out the Work Habit and Workplace Competencies Evaluations.

This week we will begin on Wheels and Distance.

  • Investigate the mathematical relationship between wheel size and distance traveled with a set number of motor rotations.
  • Describe the mathematical relationship between distance traveled in cm to motor rotations in degrees.
Students will be able to:
  1. Follow directions to conduct a guided partial inquiry
  2. Calculate averages and circumferences
  3. Describe the relationship between diameter and circumference
  4. Describe the relationship between wheel size and distance traveled in a constant number of rotations
  5. Apply and describe the various points of experimental procedure:
    1. Experimental hypothesis
    2. Measurement technique
    3. Multiple trials
  6. Describe and apply a self-formulated procedure for converting centimeters into wheel rotations
  7. Write a conclusion that summarizes the lessons learned in the investigation

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Full Speed Ahead

We need to be able to do useful tasks around an interactive environment that includes humans. Your robot needs to be able to move around common types of indoor terrain, such as a hallway, tile or carpeted floor.

This lesson covers the basic programming required to make the robot move forward.

1. Journal - record your reflexions on how you and your partner built your robot.

2. PowerPoint Introduction - journal activity

3. Complete your Taskbot

4. Robotic Engineering - Full Speed Ahead lesson

5. Do not write on the packets provided.


Set up and LEGO MINDSTORMS Edu NXT programming software
Write a program using the NXT programming software
Connect the robot to the computer adn download programs on it
Navigate to and run programs on the NXT
Program the robot to perform multiple actions in the sequence.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Introduction to Mobile Robotics

Today, we will complete our robots and learn the basics of out robot, programming and the software.

BAT: Students need to be able to navigate the software for the Robotics Engineering and Lego Mindstorms NXT.

1. Get your materials out and complete Taskbot.

2. Once your robot is complete, Click on the Introduction button in Robotics Engineering.

3. Click on Quickstart link

4. Click on the Recommended button on the right hand side of the screen.

5. Quickstart Sequence - follow the directions for the quickstart.

Testbed - get a NXT brick from the extras table at the front of the room. Use your kit to complete the testbed.

Give it a test run.

6. Click the Lessons link

7. Click the Programming Software link

8. Take your Testbed apart and return your parts to your kit. Take the battery off the NXT brick and place it in your Taskbot. Return the NXT brick to the extras table.

9. Return your kit, computer and Taskbot to their storage areas.

Image source:

Friday, September 5, 2008

Task Bot build

Today we began building our Task Bots based on the instructions in the Robotics Engineering Program from Carnegie Melon Robotics Academy.

Instructions for the day:

1. Find a partner to work with.

2. Identify your computer

3. Open Robotics Engineering program

4. Click on Basics link

5. Click on Building Instructions

6. Click on Taskbot - This will open a new window with building instructions.

7. Label your kit with on both ends and the top with your class period and partner(s) names.

8. At the end of the period, return your kit and computer to the closet. Put any parts or robots that are complete in the cabinet in the shop.

Image source: